We are working on a RESTful Webservice with AngularJS and Java Servlets.
When the user logs in, our backend sends a "Set-Cookie" header to the frontend. In Angular we access the header via $cookies
(ngCookie - module) and set it.
Now that the user is logged in he can for example delete some stuff. Therefore the frontend sends a GET request to the backend. Because we work on different domains we need to set some CORS Headers and Angular does an OPTIONS request before the actual GET request:
OPTIONS request:
GET request
We do this in Angular via $http module, but it just won't send the cookie, containing JSESSIONID
How can I enable Angular to send cookies?
Another thing to keep in mind: You need to have 3rd party cookies enabled. If you have it globally disabled in Chrome, click on the "i"-Symbol to the left of the domain name, then cookies, then "blocked" and unblock the target domain.
In your config, DI
and then set withCredentials to true:Info on angularjs withCredentials: http://docs.angularjs.org/api/ng.$http
Which links to the mozilla article: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/HTTP/Access_control_CORS?redirectlocale=en-US&redirectslug=HTTP_access_control#section_5