As suggested by Edzer Pebesma in the comments, the recommended method to add a hole to a polygon is not to modify the slot but to rebuild the polygon, as illustrated in this related question.
Original question
Following the help of SpatialPolygons-class
I tried to modify a polygon to be a hole of an other polygon but while the "hole polygon" is displayed as a border of the other polygon, its inside is colored as the rest.
What am I doing wrong?
Using defPunched
and defHole
defined here:
OnePolDFToPolygon <- function(x){
main <- x@polygons[[1]]@Polygons[[1]]
punch <- Polygons(list(OnePolDFToPolygon(defPunched),OnePolDFToPolygon(defHole)),defPunched@polygons[[1]]@ID)
mine <- SpatialPolygons(list(punch),proj4string=defPunched@proj4string)
mine <- SpatialPolygonsDataFrame(mine,data=as(defPunched,"data.frame"))
Holes are supposed to have the opposite ring direction, e.g. by
you get the plot below. Where did this data come from?