I have a form with name orderproductForm
and an undefined number of inputs.
I want to do some kind of jQuery.get or ajax or anything like that that would call a page through Ajax, and send along all the inputs of the form orderproductForm
I suppose one way would be to do something like
{action : document.orderproductForm.action.value,
cartproductid : document.orderproductForm.cartproductid.value,
productid : document.orderproductForm.productid.value,
However I do not know exactly all the form inputs. Is there a feature, function or something that would just send ALL the form inputs?
I got the following for me:
This assumes the post to 'url' returns an ajax in the form of
{success: false, error:'my Error to display'}
You can vary this as you like. Feel free to use that snippet.
This code works even with file input
consider using
To avoid multiple formdata sends:
Don't forget to unbind submit event, before the form submited again, User can call sumbit function more than one time, maybe he forgot something, or was a validation error.
There are a few things you need to bear in mind.
1. There are several ways to submit a form
We should therefore bind to the form submit event, not the button click event. This will ensure our code works on all devices and assistive technologies now and in the future.
2. Hijax
The user may not have JavaScript enabled. A hijax pattern is good here, where we gently take control of the form using JavaScript, but leave it submittable if JavaScript fails.
We should pull the URL and method from the form, so if the HTML changes, we don't need to update the JavaScript.
3. Unobtrusive JavaScript
Using event.preventDefault() instead of return false is good practice as it allows the event to bubble up. This lets other scripts tie into the event, for example analytics scripts which may be monitoring user interactions.
We should ideally use an external script, rather than inserting our script inline. We can link to this in the head section of the page using a script tag, or link to it at the bottom of the page for speed. The script should quietly enhance the user experience, not get in the way.
Assuming you agree with all the above, and you want to catch the submit event, and handle it via AJAX (a hijax pattern), you could do something like this:
You can manually trigger a form submission whenever you like via JavaScript using something like:
I recently had to do this and ended up writing a plugin.
Add a data-autosubmit attribute to your form tag and you can then do this:
I really liked this answer by superluminary and especially the way he wrapped is solution in a jQuery plugin. So thanks to superluminary for a very useful answer. In my case, though, I wanted a plugin that would allow me to define the success and error event handlers by means of options when the plugin is initialized.
So here is what I came up with:
This plugin allows me to very easily "ajaxify" html forms on the page and provide onsubmit, success and error event handlers for implementing feedback to the user of the status of the form submit. This allowed the plugin to be used as follows:
Note that the success and error event handlers receive the same arguments that you would receive from the corresponding events of the jQuery ajax method.