How to parse this custom log file in Python

2019-02-26 01:43发布

I am using Python logging to generate log files when processing and I am trying to READ those log files into a list/dict which will then be converted into JSON and loaded into a nosql database for processing.

The file gets generated with the following format.

2015-05-22 16:46:46,985 - __main__ - INFO - Starting to Wait for Files
2015-05-22 16:46:56,645 - __main__ - INFO - Starting: Attempt 1 Checking for New Files from gs://folder/folder/
2015-05-22 16:47:46,488 - __main__ - INFO - Success: Downloading the Files from Cloud Storage: Return Code - 0 and FileCount 1
2015-05-22 16:48:48,180 - __main__ - ERROR - Failed: Waiting for files the Files from Cloud Storage: gs://folder/folder/
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<ipython-input-16-132cda1c011d>", line 10, in <module>
    if numFilesDownloaded == 0:
NameError: name 'numFilesDownloaded' is not defined
2015-05-22 16:49:17,918 - __main__ - INFO - Starting to Wait for Files
2015-05-22 16:49:32,160 - __main__ - INFO - Starting: Attempt 1 Checking for New Files from gs://folder/folder/
2015-05-22 16:49:39,329 - __main__ - INFO - Success: Downloading the Files from Cloud Storage: Return Code - 0 and FileCount 1
2015-05-22 16:53:30,706 - __main__ - INFO - Starting to Wait for Files

NOTE: There are actually \n breaks before each NEW date you see but cant seem to represent it here.

Basically I am trying to read in this text file and produce a json object that looks like this:

    'Date': '2015-05-22 16:46:46,985',
    'Type': 'INFO',
    'Message':'Starting to Wait for Files'

    'Date': '2015-05-22 16:48:48,180',
    'Type': 'ERROR',
    'Message':'Failed: Waiting for files the Files from Cloud Storage:  gs://folder/anotherfolder/ Traceback (most recent call last):
               File "<ipython-input-16-132cda1c011d>", line 10, in <module> if numFilesDownloaded == 0: NameError: name 'numFilesDownloaded' is not defined '

The problem I am having:

I can add each line into a list or dict etc BUT the ERROR message sometimes goes over multiple lines so I end up splitting it up incorrectly.


I have tried to use code like the below to only split the lines on valid dates but I cant seem to get the error messages that go across multiple lines. I also tried regular expressions and think that's a possible solution but cant seem to find the right regex to use...NO CLUE how it works so tried a bunch of copy paste but without any success.

with open(filename,'r') as f:
    for key,group in it.groupby(f,lambda line: line.startswith('2015')):
        if key:
            for line in group:

Tried some crazy regex but no luck here either:

logList = re.split(r'(19|20)\d\d[- /.](0[1-9]|1[012])[- /.](0[1-9]|[12][0-9]|3[01])', fileData)

Would appreciate any help...thanks


Posted a Solution below for anyone else struggling with the same thing.

一纸荒年 Trace。
2楼-- · 2019-02-26 02:20

Using @Joran Beasley's answer I came up with the following solution and it seems to work:

Main Points:

  • My log files ALWAYS follow the same structure: {Date} - {Type} - {Message} so I used string slicing and splitting to get the items broken up how I needed them. Example the {Date} is always 23 characters and I only want the first 19 characters.
  • Using line.startswith("2015") is crazy as dates will change eventually so created a new function that uses some regex to match a date format I am expecting. Once again, my log Dates follow a specific pattern so I could get specific.
  • The file is read into the first function "generateDicts()" and then calls the "matchDate()" function to see IF the line being processed matches a {Date} format I am looking for.
  • A NEW dict is created everytime a valid {Date} format is found and everything is processed until the NEXT valid {Date} is encountered.

Function to split up the log files.

def generateDicts(log_fh):
    currentDict = {}
    for line in log_fh:
        if line.startswith(matchDate(line)):
            if currentDict:
                yield currentDict
            currentDict = {"date":line.split("__")[0][:19],"type":line.split("-",5)[3],"text":line.split("-",5)[-1]}
            currentDict["text"] += line
    yield currentDict

with open("/Users/stevenlevey/Documents/out_folder/out_loyaltybox/log_CardsReport_20150522164636.logs") as f:
    listNew= list(generateDicts(f))

Function to see if the line being processed starts with a {Date} that matches the format I am looking for

    def matchDate(line):
        matchThis = ""
        matched = re.match(r'\d\d\d\d-\d\d-\d\d\ \d\d:\d\d:\d\d',line)
        if matched:
            #matches a date and adds it to matchThis            
            matchThis = 
            matchThis = "NONE"
        return matchThis
3楼-- · 2019-02-26 02:26

create a generator (Im on a generator bend today)

def generateDicts(log_fh):
    currentDict = {}
    for line in log_fh:
        if line.startswith("2015"): #you might want a better check here
           if currentDict:
              yield currentDict
           currentDict = {"date":line.split("-")[0],"type":line.split("-")[2],"text":line.split("-")[-1]}
          currentDict["text"] += line
    yield currentDict

 with open("logfile.txt") as f:
    print list(generateDicts(f))

there may be a few minor typos... I didnt actually run this

4楼-- · 2019-02-26 02:33

The solution provided by @steven.levey is perfect. One addition to it that I would like to make is to use this regex pattern to determine if the line is proper and extract the required values. So that we don't have to work on splitting the lines once again after determining the format using regex.

pattern = '(^[0-9\-\s\:\,]+)\s-\s__main__\s-\s([A-Z]+)\s-\s([\s\S]+)'
5楼-- · 2019-02-26 02:38

You can get the fields you are looking for directly from the regex using groups. You can even name them:

>>> import re
>>> date_re = re.compile('(?P<a_year>\d{2,4})-(?P<a_month>\d{2})-(?P<a_day>\d{2}) (?P<an_hour>\d{2}):(?P<a_minute>\d{2}):(?P<a_second>\d{2}[.\d]*)')
>>> found = date_re.match('2016-02-29 12:34:56.789')
>>> if found is not None:
...     print found.groupdict()
{'a_year': '2016', 'a_second': '56.789', 'a_day': '29', 'a_minute': '34', 'an_hour': '12', 'a_month': '02'}
>>> found.groupdict()['a_month']

Then create a date class where the constructor's kwargs match the group names. Use a little **magic to create an instance of the object directly from the regex groupdict and you are cooking with gas. In the constructor you can then figure out if 2016 is a leap year and Feb 29 exits.


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