In my Android application, i'm using ksoap2 library for consuming a soap ( & .net) webservice. It works correctly but it's very slow (for parsing, controls, loops and Base64ToBinary processes). I want to parse it more fast. Is it possible to parse it without using ksoap2? Any ideas? Thanks for your recommendations.
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USE Restful webservice client
How to call Restful web service in android
Also see the Google I/O video on restful clients
You can use DefaultHttpClient to do this. In here (How to call SOAP web service with Android) you can find a code snippet.
Android doesn't provide built-in support to SOAP . You must provide out of the box support using KSOAP2 or similar libraries
For other ideas, check this link
How to call a SOAP web service on Android
Hope it helps
What do you mean slow? It does a http request and then parses the response. You have to do this in an async task. Memory usage will depend on the response you get. Maybe you are requesting way too much. See the wiki on how to debug!
I have another problem with KSoap2. Unfortunately, ksoap2 library is not working with my webservices. So at last, I have done with default http post.
I hope this will help for someone in future.