I have an autocompleate textbox that looks into a data base. Some times while I'm typing I received the following error.
Attempted to read or write protected memory. This is often an indication that other memory is corrupt.
Here is the code
private void tBSearchName_TextChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
//test length
if (tBSearchName.Text.Length > 3)
//prevent db lookups
if (!tBSearchName.Text.ToLower().Contains(oldName) || oldName == String.Empty)
//test for a name + first letter of last name
if (Regex.IsMatch(tBSearchName.Text, @"(\w)+\s(\w)+(\.)*"))
tBSearchName.AutoCompleteCustomSource = AccessDB.serachByNemberName(tBSearchName.Text);
tBSearchName.AutoCompleteMode = AutoCompleteMode.Suggest;
//prevent db lookups
oldName = tBSearchName.Text.ToLower();
My insight is that I should frezz typing into the application while search is done, can some suggest how to do this. Or any other insight on what is happening
You can use lock:
Do note that it's bad practice to perform long tasks in the event handlers. If the search takes more then 30ms, better use a worker thread.
It is a bug in Windows Forms's wrapper of autocomplete APIs. Windows Forms does not protect the AutoCompleteCustomSource object from being replaced while it is being enumerated by a background thread created by autocomplete.
Instead of replacing the data store, you can try replace the autocomplete object or use the IAutoCompleteDropDown interface to reset the enumerator.