I want to install an application (Odoo) that uses PostgreSQL, but it needs you create a superuser Role to allow the aplication process instalation create its own database. I just created an Azure PostgreSQL database (PaaS), but the user it creats is not a Superuser, and can't create a superuser role. Is there a way to get my admin user a Superuser?
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To explain the users and roles a little better for Azure Database for PostgreSQL:
By default, when a server is created we have the following 3 roles defined, which you can also see when you run
SELECT rolname FROM pg_roles;
–Ours is a managed PaaS service and Microsoft is the azure_superuser. We don’t grant superuser privileges to the user.
With that as baseline, there is at least one role (user) at any given time that is part of azure_pg_admin group i.e. server admin login. This user can create databases, create custom roles and customize privileges, and create additional users that are member of azure_pg_admin. A user is either a part of this group or not. Any user outside this group will not have those privileges.
Hope that helps answer your question.