I am looking for some Intent which get broadcasted every second. I looked into android.intent.action.TIME_TICK
but this intent get broadcasted every minute. I know AlarmManger/handler/thread can be used for this purpose, but I am inclined to use system broadcasted intent.
Please share your thoughts?
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This isn't possible. There is no broadcast intent sent every second.
I've posted a full list of broadcast intents here (it's found in the
, and none of them cover per-second actions. This is further confirmed in the documentation (searching "second" on the page produces nothing in this context).You will have to pick one of
, or something else in this vein. Some of this topic is covered here, more here, some stuff on a timer here, et cetera...I do not think so. First because if system would send a broadcast every second it would drain the battery. Second, if many apps were interested in handling the broadcast, that could seriously slow down the system.
There is in fact a Intent fired once a minute, but there is restriction on how you can use it