I have the following code:
jQuery ->
addClickListeners = ->
$(document).on 'click', '#add-chord-link', addChord
$(document).on 'click', '#remove-chord-link', removeChord
addChord = (e) ->
console.log("<%= asset_path('rails.png') %>")
console.log("<%= link_to 'Sign up now!', '#' %>")
console.log('addChord clicked')
removeChord = (e) ->
$('#chord-choices select').last().remove()
console.log('removeChord clicked')
The console output for the console.log("<%= asset_path('rails.png') %>")
is /assets/rails.png
, which is what I expect. However, whenever I include console.log("<%= link_to 'Sign up now!', '#' %>")
I get an error when the page is loaded stating:
undefined method `link_to' for #<#<Class:0x007f9095960938>:0x007f9095b78ab8>
Why is this not working?
The problem
The reason is Sprockets, the gem behind Assets pineline, doesn't depend on Rails to process erb. See the native helpers available https://github.com/sstephenson/sprockets#invoking-ruby-with-erb
Rails added some more helpers to Assets Pineline in ActiveSupport, they are all you can use. You can find them here: http://api.rubyonrails.org/classes/ActionView/Helpers/AssetUrlHelper.html
is a helper belonging to ActionView, so it's not included in Assets Pineline.The hacks
There are some solutions to allow your using ActionView helpers within Assets Pineline:
Route helpers in asset pipeline
How to include ActionView helpers in the assets pipeline?
My suggestions
If all you need is the link in question or a little bit more, no need the trouble to hack around. Use plain text or a Javascript helper. That's enough.