I've been doing some Geometrical Data Analysis (GDA) such as Principal Component Analysis (PCA). I'm looking to plot a Correlation Circle... these look a bit like this:
Basically, it allows to measure to which extend the Eigenvalue / Eigenvector of a variable is correlated to the principal components (dimensions) of a dataset.
Anyone knows if there is a python package that plots such data visualization?
Here is a simple example using sklearn and the iris dataset. Includes both the factor map for the first two dimensions and a scree plot:
It'd be a good exercise to extend this to further PCs, to deal with scaling if all components are small, and to avoid plotting factors with minimal contributions.
I agree it's a pity not to have it in some mainstream package such as sklearn.
Here is a home-made implementation: https://github.com/mazieres/analysis/blob/master/analysis.py#L19-34