I am working with CrystalDecisions.CrystalReports.Engine.ReportDocument in WinForms in Visual Studio 2008. Right now when the users click the export button the dialog defaults to saving the report as a CrystalReports formatted file. It's possible to change the selector to PDF, but the specific request that I've been given -- and I've searched for too many hours trying to find -- is to make the 'export report' dialog default to PDF format option.
Does anyone know how to do this?
As of CR XI, the only way I know is to replace the export dialog with your own. You can add your own button to the CrystalReportViewer control and hide their export button.
Here's vb.net code to replace the export button with your own button/eventhandler...
Then in the click handler you'd show a customized SaveFileDialog and eventually call the ReportDocument.ExportToDisk method. This way you can set the dialog's title and filename to something useful and of course set the default export type.