I use STS for developing Grails application, and I need to use there a bunch of classes generated by wsimport utility. In order to not to mix my source with autogenerated source, I want to add separate directory and put there generated classes, like this:
|-- .classpath
|-- .groovy
|-- .project
|-- .settings
|-- application.properties
|-- grails-app
|-- lib
|-- scripts
|-- src
| |-- groovy
| |-- java
| `-- wsimport <- where I want to make additional source folder
|-- target
|-- target-eclipse
|-- test
`-- web-app
I can add new classpath entry to .classpath file and STS will recognize sources, but what do I do to Grails? Do I need to specify it in some config file or something?
The answer is here:
To summarize, you can use configuration like this:
This will let the grails compiler know about the extra source folders, but I don't think it is enough for STS to know about the source folders. For that, you will have to continue updating the project's .classpath.