how to paint different bars in different colors, I tried to use renderer, here is my sample code:
public IntervalXYDataset createDataset() throws InterruptedException {
final XYSeries series = new XYSeries("Analysis");
int i=0;
series.add(xaxisArray[i], yaxisArray[i]);
final XYSeriesCollection dataset = new XYSeriesCollection(series);
dataset.setIntervalWidth(0.15);//set width here
return dataset;
and this is how I am drawing the graph:
public className (final String title) throws InterruptedException {
IntervalXYDataset dataset = createDataset();
JFreeChart chart = createChart(dataset);
final ChartPanel chartPanel = new ChartPanel(chart);
XYPlot plot = (XYPlot) chart.getPlot();
plot.getRenderer().setSeriesPaint( 0,;//0 works and paints all 40 bars in black, 1 and above fails.
// plot.getRenderer().setSeriesPaint( 1,;// this fails
chartPanel.setPreferredSize(new java.awt.Dimension(2000,1000));//(width,height) of display
I am able to set the width as I have commented in my program, however I now want to set the color for different bars, for example I want to get hold of bar in chart and draw red for array[0] and blue for [3] and orange for cell[17], can you please guide me on this. Thank you very much.
What you want to do is the following:
Replace 1 with the (zero-based) index of the bar whose color you would like to change.
Edit to respond to comment:
Edit 2: Misunderstood OPs problem, new solution in comments.
I found the answer Create two series, and then add how many ever bars you want and set color for each series. using setSeriesPaint
The most flexible approach is to override the
method ofAbstractRenderer
in a customXYBarRenderer
, as shown here forXYLineAndShapeRenderer