I am trying to make a small inventory program using Access but I don't have much knowledge, whatever I have done so far is by googling stuff. I Have managed to make code to store data using unbound forms, now I want to update some particular fields of a table by data entered in an unbound form for another table. The 2 tables in question are Transaction and Stock. Stock has 3 fields PartNo, Location and Qty. I want the QTY in stock to be deducted from the location where stock is moving out of, and to be added to where it is going to.
Sample data in table Stock
Stock_PartNo Stock_Location Stock_Qty
2288 SAWRH001 85
2288 SAWRH002 54
3214 SAWRH003 544
4567 SAWRH001 32
5555 SAWRH002 128
5555 SAWRH005 874
5678 SAWRH002 321
6544 SAWRH004 465
6666 SAWRH003 45
6666 SAWRH004 87
7777 SAWRH003 365
7890 SAWRH002 352
8765 SAWRH005 57
8888 SAWRH004 54
9999 SAWRH005 21
Here is my code for an unbound form:
Private Sub Command39_Click()
Dim db As Database, rsCust As Recordset
Set db = CurrentDb
Set rsCust = db.OpenRecordset("Transaction", DB_OPEN_DYNASET)
rsCust("Trans_PartNo") = Me!Combo52
rsCust("Trans_Desc") = Me!Text19
rsCust("Trans_Disp") = Me!Text21
rsCust("Trans_Recv") = Me!Text23
rsCust("Trans_Qty") = Me!Text25
rsCust("Trans_Date") = Me!Text29
MsgBox "Material transfer information has been updated"
Call ClearControls
End Sub
This data would be stored in a table called Transaction which is just a record history of what was moved from one place to another. What I want is that table Stock should be updated using this form, so if PartNo 2288 is transferred from SAWRH001 to SAWRH005 then it should update table Stock automatically. As far as I understand I need to embed a SQL query but I don't know how to do that in VBA.
With parameters:
Refer the link here for example code.