I was experimenting and have the following assembly code, which works very well, except that I get a "Segmentation fault (core dumped)" message right before my program ends:
GLOBAL _start
%define ___STDIN 0
%define ___STDOUT 1
%define ___SYSCALL_WRITE 0x04
segment .data
segment .rodata
L1 db "hello World", 10, 0
segment .bss
segment .text
mov eax, ___SYSCALL_WRITE
mov ebx, ___STDOUT
mov ecx, L1
mov edx, 13
int 0x80
It doesn't matter whether or not I have ret
at the end; I still get the message.
What's the problem?
I'm using x86 and nasm.
As n.m. said in the comments, the issue is that you aren't exiting the program, so execution runs off into garbage code and you get a segfault.
What you need is: