We noticed that Google Drive API Javascript allows you to list all files from an specific folder, however it brings just basic details from the file. If we want to know more such as the file name we need to query the API again for each single file. Is there a way that we can list more details of the file such as the file name from a single folder list query?
I guess you used Children.list(). It only lists id of children which is not the function you want. You should rather use Files.list() with parameter q="'{{FOLDER_ID}}' in parents" and it will list all the files and its details of children of specific folder you want.
I did much googled for this question but the answer is right here. You have to use following code snippet as i had used:
I am sure it will work for you.
Don't worry about this problem, its easy. If you want to get all files and folder from specific FOLDER, then just copy and paste this code in your project and it will retrieve all the files and folder from the specific Folder. Note: You should have your own Folder ID