I have the following named list output from a analysis. The reproducible code is as follows:
list(structure(c(-213.555409754509, -212.033637890131, -212.029474755074,
-211.320398316741, -211.158815833294, -210.470525157849), .Names = c("wasn",
"chappal", "mummyji", "kmph", "flung", "movie")), structure(c(-220.119433774144,
-219.186901747536, -218.743319709963, -218.088361753899, -217.338920075687,
-217.186050877079), .Names = c("crazy", "wired", "skanndtyagi",
"andr", "unveiled", "contraption")))
I want to convert this to a data frame. I have tried unlist to data frame options using reshape2, dplyr and other solutions given for converting a list to a data frame but without much success. The output that I am looking for is something like this:
Col1 Val1 Col2 Val2
1 wasn -213.55 crazy -220.11
2 chappal -212.03 wired -219.18
3 mummyji -212.02 skanndtyagi -218.74
so on and so forth. The actual out put has multiple columns with paired values and runs into many rows. I have tried the following codes already:
do.call(rbind, lapply(df, data.frame, stringsAsFactors = TRUE))
works partially provides all the character values in a column and numeric values in the second.
data.frame(Reduce(rbind, df))
didn't work - provides the names in the first list and numbers from both the lists as tow different rows
colNames <- unique(unlist(lapply(df, names)))
M <- matrix(0, nrow = length(df), ncol = length(colNames),
dimnames = list(names(df), colNames))
matches <- lapply(df, function(x) match(names(x), colNames))
M[cbind(rep(sequence(nrow(M)), sapply(matches, length)),
unlist(matches))] <- unlist(df)
didn't work correctly.
Can someone help?
Here's another way:
How it works.
returns a list; two lists combined withc
make another list; and a list is easily coerced to a data.frame, since the latter is just a list of vectors having the same length.Better than coercing to a data.frame is just modifying its class, effectively telling the list "you're a data.frame now":
The result doesn't need to be assigned anywhere with
is modified "in place."Since the list elements are all of the same length, you should be able to
them and then combine them by columns.Try: