How to left align elements in a jqmath table

2019-02-24 18:43发布

If I try to create a table in jqmath, it always centers the elements. So if I write

$$\table a , b ; c , dddddddddddd ;$$

then I get

a          b
c    dddddddddddd

How do I make jqmath align the columns to the left, so that the table is displayed as

a    b
c    dddddddddddd

2楼-- · 2019-02-24 18:52

All you need to do is style the appropriate tags.

<style type="text/css">
mtd, .fm-mtd  {

This is demonstrated in the following fiddle.

To find out more about how to style code generated by jqMath, just look at their CSS style sheet.

jqMath behaves differently on differing browsers. By default, Chrome displays the text using left alignment, whereas Firefox displays the text using center alignment. Chrome uses <td class="fm-mtd"> while Firefox uses <mtd>. The tag used depends upon whether the web browser supports MathML.

To learn more about text-align, visit the Mozilla Developer Network.

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