I'm quite new to EXCEL VBA's and I'm kinda stuck finding a way to create a MACRO that shows whether a url is still active (200 ok), or may be redirected, and if so, I want to know to what URL. And when it's not working at all, then return the right code with the reason the URL isn't working.
So at the moment I have a script that actually works but it doesn't return the url to which an url is redirected to. It only returns (200 OK) when an url is still active, or the url that the original url has been redirected to is still active. So I know which URLs are dead or are redirected to a dead URL.
But I want to take it a step futher. As the URLs that I want to check are in the "A" column at the moment, and the results return in the "B" column, I want to see the URL to which I've been redirected in the C column, everytime there an URL has been redirected.
I did find some functions online that should do the job but for some reason I can't fit them in my SUB. Like I mentioned before, it's all quite new to me.
This is what I have at the moment:
Sub CheckHyperlinks()
Dim oColumn As Range
Set oColumn = GetColumn() '' replace this with code to get the relevant column
Dim oCell As Range
For Each oCell In oColumn.Cells
If oCell.Hyperlinks.Count > 0 Then
Dim oHyperlink As Hyperlink
Set oHyperlink = oCell.Hyperlinks(1) '' I assume only 1 hyperlink per cell
Dim strResult As String
strResult = GetResult(oHyperlink.Address)
oCell.Offset(0, 1).Value = strResult
End If
Next oCell
End Sub
Private Function GetResult(ByVal strUrl As String) As String
On Error GoTo ErrorHandler
Dim oHttp As New MSXML2.ServerXMLHTTP30
oHttp.Open "HEAD", strUrl, False
GetResult = oHttp.Status & " " & oHttp.statusText
Exit Function
GetResult = "Error: " & Err.Description
End Function
I hope one of you could help me out.
Its better to use the WinHttp COM object. That will let you "disable" redirect handling. Read this forum post. The component you need to reference is Microsoft WinHTTP Services.