Could anyone please post an example of extending an observable in knockout in typescript? Knockout extender:
I am using this version of knockout.d.ts from march 6. 2013
EDIT: Thank you very much! So to extend you 'just' need to add the interface KnockoutExtenders so that typescript will 'allow' it. Example
interface KnockoutExtenders {
logChange(target: any, option: string): KnockoutObservableAny;
ko.extenders.logChange = function (target, option) {
target.subscribe(function (newValue) {
console.log(option + ": " + newValue);
return target;
Inside the viewmodel declare like this:
this.score = ko.observable(score).extend({ logChange: "score" });
Interfaces in typescript are open ended so you can add to them in multiple places.
For example of numeric. You need to app this member to extenders as well as your observables. Here is the example:
You can see a complete sample here :
Update based on comment: In that case you just need to extend the interface separately to the definition file: