How do I make an console application run until the user enters "Q", "q", "Quit" or "quit" to terminate it?
This is my current code:
public class Class1
static void Main(string[] args)
string userName;
int i = 0, totalCal = 0, cal = 1;
Console.WriteLine("Welcome to the magical calorie counter!");
Console.Write("Enter in your name -> ");
userName = Console.ReadLine();
for (i = 0; i <= 10; i++)
Console.WriteLine("Hello {0}.....Let's add some calories!!", userName);
}// end for loop
while (cal != 0)
Console.Write("Enter some Calories:<or 0 to quit>: ");
cal = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine());
Console.WriteLine("You entered {0}", cal);
totalCal += cal;
Console.WriteLine("-------------------So far you have a total of {0}------------------", totalCal);
}// end of while
}// end of amin
}//end of class
I think exit, or quit is fine. Or you can accept e or q.
I would prefer a keyboard shortcut a keyboard savvy user may already know, like Ctrl+W, which is the default key for closing tabs on modern web browsers.
Assuming there aren't any other bugs in your program... just add a couple lines like this: