I want to read and write an Excel file from Java with 3 columns and N rows, printing one string in each cell. Can anyone give me simple code snippet for this? Do I need to use any external lib or does Java have built-in support for it?
I want to do the following:
for(i=0; i <rows; i++)
//read [i,col1] ,[i,col2], [i,col3]
for(i=0; i<rows; i++)
//write [i,col1], [i,col2], [i,col3]
For reading a xlsx file we can use Apache POI libs Try this:
A simple CSV file should suffice
using spring apache poi repo
If column number are varing you can use this
The corresponding mavendependency can be found here
This will write a JTable to a tab separated file that can be easily imported into Excel. This works.
If you save an Excel worksheet as an XML document you could also build the XML file for EXCEL with code. I have done this with word so you do not have to use third-party packages.
This could code have the JTable taken out and then just write a tab separated to any text file and then import into Excel. I hope this helps.
and make sure to have added the jars poi and poi-ooxml (org.apache.poi) to your project