Like two overlapping line segments, we can find infinite points of intersection. To enumerate all these points might not make sense, and we might just want to present that this collection is infinity.
Floating point numbers have defined NegativeInfinity
and PositiveInfinity
. A number which represents count or ordinal seem not necessary to use floating point numbers, however, integers are not defined something to represent infinity.
So I tried to implement an infinite enumerable. But I suddenly get confused with the term "enumerable" ..
Is there a better way to solve this problem? And is an infinite enumerable still enumerable?
public partial class Infinity: IEnumerable<object> { IEnumerator<object> IEnumerable<object>.GetEnumerator() { for(; ; ) yield return Infinity.Enumerable; } public IEnumerator GetEnumerator() { for(; ; ) yield return Infinity.Enumerable; } public Infinity LongCount( Func<object, bool> predicate=default(Func<object, bool>)) { return Infinity.Enumerable; } public Infinity Count( Func<object, bool> predicate=default(Func<object, bool>)) { return Infinity.Enumerable; } public static readonly Infinity Enumerable=new Infinity(); }
Thanks for answering. I'm not confused with IEnumerable
and IEnumerator
. GetEnumerator
methods return Infinity.Enumerable
is because I do not want to declare an extra dummy object such as:
static readonly object dummy=new object();
and yield return dummy
in GetEnumerator
The positive natural numbers are infinite and clearly enumerable (1, 2, 3, …). The concept is well-defined even outside of C#.
Your class however has problems because you are confusing the
interface. TheGetEnumerator
method returns only one enumerator. That is infinite.An easy implementation of an infinite
in C# (as a method rather than a class) looks as follows:Caveat:
overflows at some point. However, by default C# will then simply loop back to negative numbers.Enumerable, in this sense, is based off the second definition of enumerate:
It is not referring to the (more common outside of computing) definition whereby it effectively means "able to be counted."
In this sense, an infinite series can definitely be listed one item after another, and qualifies as an enumerable.
That being said, I don't see the purpose behind your code in this example. Infinite enumerables are typically representing something like a stream of data without an end, or other sources where there is no "end", but the potential to continually pull information.