I am having some difficulty calling a system call from inside a Linux Kernel Module. The system calls have been tested and work properly from a standard c user space program but I can't seem to get the kernel module to compile and run them.
In my user program I include the following code and the system call works:
#include <linux/unistd.h>
#define __NR_sys_mycall 343
extern long int _syscall(long int_sysno,...)__THROW;
//and then a simple call is done as such
long value = syscall(__NR_sys_mycall);
printf("The value is %ld\n",value);
But when I try the same thing in my Linux Kernel Module I get a bunch of errors that either say error: implicit declaration of function 'syscall' (if I don't include the _syscall definition) or a long list of errors about syntax if I do...so my assumption is that I need the kernel space version to call the system call. Am I right or wrong?
//My LKM code
#include <linux/module.h>
#include <linux/unistd.h>
#define __NR_sys_mycall 343
static int start_init(void)
long value = syscall(__NR_sys_mycall);
printk("The value is %ld\n",value);
return 0;
static void finish_exit(void)
Most of system calls uses asmlinkage , which means find the arguments on the stack rather than registers. Make sure that , when you call system call , pass the arguments on stack.
Also lot many system calls just uses copy_from_user. If you pass kernel address into such system call , they do fail.
You can directly call sys_mycall.