I have a resource file where needed create string define with concatenation macros and string, something like this
#define _STRINGIZE(n) #n
#define Word_ Word
100 DIALOGEX 0, 0, 172, 118
CAPTION "Hello"STRINGIZE(Word_)=>"Hello"Word"
but needed simple "HelloWord" without average quotes.
For anyone who cares: a .rc file is a resource file from an MFC project that defines UI elements, such as dialog layouts. It uses the same preprocessor as C++, but it does not share C++'s syntax -- and in a window CAPTION field, two string literals won't concatenate by just juxtaposing them. Within a string literal, two double quotes is actually an escape sequence that generates one double quote character. So the literal:
ends up looking like
In your dialog Window's caption.
The problem with the example given:
Is that the double-quote at the end of "Hello" must be removed, but the preprocessor cannot do this. However, if "Hello" is allowed to be included in a macro, concatenation is possible. First, I defined these macros:
then, inside the dialog record:
With this, the dialog's caption ends up looking like HelloWorld -- no stray quotes or anything. I hope you can use this technique.