My task is to show multiple models
into a single view.I've created a ViewModel
for my requirement but I'm not meeting my requirement.
please have a look into the below code and rectify me where m i going wrong ???
public partial class StudentsDetail
public int StudentID { get; set; }
public int ParentID { get; set; }
public string StudentName { get; set; }
public string Gender { get; set; }
public string FatherName { get; set; }
public string MotherName { get; set; }
public Nullable<System.DateTime> DateOfBirth { get; set; }
public virtual ParentsDetail ParentsDetail { get; set; }
public virtual SchoolDetail SchoolDetail { get; set; }
//Model 2
public partial class ParentsDetail
public ParentsDetail()
this.StudentsDetails = new HashSet<StudentsDetail>();
public int ParentID { get; set; }
public string Occupation { get; set; }
public string Organization { get; set; }
public string AnnualIncome { get; set; }
public virtual ICollection<StudentsDetail> StudentsDetails { get; set; }
//ViewModel Which I have created
public class ParentsInformationViewModel
public List<StudentsDetail> StudentsDetails { get; set; }
public List<ParentsDetail> ParentsDetails { get; set; }
public ParentsInformationViewModel(List<StudentsDetail> _studentDetails, List<ParentsDetail> _parentsDetails) //Should i pass all the required parameters that i want to display in view ????
StudentsDetails = _studentDetails;
ParentsDetails = _parentsDetails;
//And finally this is my method defined in the StudentController (Have i defined it in a right place/way??)
public ActionResult StudentViewModel()
ViewBag.ParentsDetail = new ParentsDetail(); //ParentsDetail is my controller
List<StudentsDetail> studentListObj = StudentsDetailsDAL.GetStudentDetails();
List<ParentsInformationViewModel> ParentInfoVMObj = new List<ParentsInformationViewModel>();
//foreach (var student in studentListObj)
// ParentInfoVMObj.Add(new ParentsInformationViewModel(student.StudentID, student.ParentID));
//ParentInfoVMObj.Add(ParentInfoVMObj); /// don't know how to call the required viewmodel
return View(ParentInfoVMObj);
I know that the above method of a ViewModel
is wrong but how to use it or where am i going wrong I can't get.
I want to display the ViewModel
in the view as a detailed view .
Please, correct me as I'm a starter in MVC3 .
Thanks In Advance!!
In your controller, define your action method as follows.
In your view define your model.
Is there in your view declared that you are receiving model of type
In view: