I want to retrieve the SMS messages from the device and display them?
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changed by:
Step 1: first we have to add permissions in manifest file like
Step 2: then add service sms receiver class for receiving sms
Step 3: Add run time permission
Step 4: Add this classes in your app and test Interface class
There are lots of answers are already available but i think all of them are missing an important part of this question. Before reading data from an internal database or its table we have to understand how data is stored in it and then we can find the solution of the above question that is :
How can I read SMS messages from the device programmatically in Android?
So,In android SMS table is like look like this
Know,we can select whatever we want from the database.In our case we have only required
In case of reading SMS:
1.Ask for permissions
2.Now your code goes like this
I hope this one will be helpful. Thanks.
Set app as default SMS app
Function to get SMS
Sms class is below:
Don't forget to define permission in your AndroidManifest.xml
From API 19 onwards you can make use of the Telephony Class for that; Since hardcored values won't retrieve messages in every devices because the content provider Uri changes from devices and manufacturers.
Use Content Resolver ("content://sms/inbox") to read SMS which are in inbox.
Please add READ_SMS permission.
I Hope it helps :)