I'm trying to do a dropdown menu and it seems to work in Jsfiddle. It seems that the javascript and css files are correctly loaded: http://imgur.com/YYiJS4p
But it doesn't work in any of my browsers. I have tested it in Firefox 19.0.2, Google Chrome 25.0.1364.172 and Internet Explorer 9.0.2. Javascript is enabled and running.
Javascript is included before Bootstrap and bootstrap-dropdown.js is the only bootstrap file I have included, I mean that I have not included bootstrap.js.
There is nothing in my error console.
Thanks in advance.
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This is what i'm loading:
I tried your code, loading a bootrasp I have in my machine and a the jquery from the site. and it works perfectly in FF, chrome and safari. I don't have a explorer to test it.
I was having a similar problem but found that i was loading both
this was causing a conflict in my code, you dont need to load both as the dropdown code is included in bootstrap.min.js
You need to load bootstrap.min.js or bootstrap.js before you load bootstrap-dropdown.js. Bootstrap dropdown is a js plugin with a dependancy on the Bootstrap framework.
Your footer section would then look like this:
You can customize your build of Bootstrap, then you don't have to separately include the bootstrap-dropdown.js—it will be loaded with Bootstrap.
Bootstrap custom download: http://twitter.github.com/bootstrap/customize.html
"min" versions cause problem some times (I face issues with .min files occasionally with ASP.NET MVC)
I had same issue, tried with bootstrap.js and it works fine!
Try same at your end.