About half an hour thinking "what am i doing wrong!?" on the 5-lines code.. because Python3 is somehow rounding big integers. Anyone know why there is a problem such:
int(6366805760909027985741435139224001 # This is 7**40.
/ 7) == 909543680129861140820205019889143 # 7**39
/ 7) == 909543680129861204865300750663680 # I have no idea what this is.
You might be interested in the fractions module:
Python 3 is not "rounding big integers". What it does is that it will return a float after division. Hence, in Python 2:
while in Python 3:
The reason for this is simple. In Python 2,
being integer division when you use integers have some surprising results:Ooops. In Python 3 this is fixed:
This means that in Python 3, your division returns a float:
This float has less accuracy than the digits you need. You then convert this to an integer with
, and you get a number you don't expect.You should instead use integer division (in both Python 2 and Python 3):
(The trailing L means it's a long integer, in Python 3 the long and the normal integer is merged, so there is no trailing L).
In Python 3
is floating point division so it may not treat your arguments like integers. Useto do integer division in Python 3.