How do pointers to pointers work in C? When would you use them?
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How do pointers to pointers work in C?
First a pointer is a variable, like any other variable, but that holds the address of a variable.
A pointer to a pointer is a variable, like any other variable, but that holds the address of a variable. That variable just happens to be a pointer.
When would you use them?
You can use them when you need to return a pointer to some memory on the heap, but not using the return value.
And you call it like this:
There are other uses too, like the main() argument of every C program has a pointer to a pointer for argv, where each element holds an array of chars that are the command line options. You must be careful though when you use pointers of pointers to point to 2 dimensional arrays, it's better to use a pointer to a 2 dimensional array instead.
Why it's dangerous?
Here is an example of a pointer to a 2 dimensional array done properly:
You can't use a pointer to a 2 dimensional array though if you want to support a variable number of elements for the ROWS and COLUMNS. But when you know before hand you would use a 2 dimensional array.
A pointer to a pointer is also called a handle. One usage for it is often when an object can be moved in memory or removed. One is often responsible to lock and unlock the usage of the object so it will not be moved when accessing it.
It's often used in memory restricted environment, ie the Palm OS.
Consider the below figure and program to understand this concept better.
As per the figure, ptr1 is a single pointer which is having address of variable num.
Similarly ptr2 is a pointer to pointer(double pointer) which is having the address of pointer ptr1.
A pointer which points to another pointer is known as double pointer. In this example ptr2 is a double pointer.
Values from above diagram :
Let's assume an 8 bit computer with 8 bit addresses (and thus only 256 bytes of memory). This is part of that memory (the numbers at the top are the addresses):
What you can see here, is that at address 63 the string "hello" starts. So in this case, if this is the only occurrence of "hello" in memory then,
... defines
to be a pointer to the (read-only) string "hello", and thus contains the value 63.c
must itself be stored somewhere: in the example above at location 58. Of course we can not only point to characters, but also to other pointers. E.g.:Now
points toc
, that is, it contains the address ofc
(which is 58). We can go even further. Consider:Now
stores the address ofcp
. So it has value 55 (based on the example above), and you guessed it: it is itself stored at address 60.As to why one uses pointers to pointers:
, a reference to the array has typet *
. Now consider an array of arrays of typet
: naturally a reference to this 2D array will have type(t *)*
=t **
, and is hence a pointer to a pointer.char **
will need to accept an argument of typet **
if it is to alter a variable of typet *
.A pointer to pointer is, well, a pointer to pointer.
A meaningfull example of someType** is a bidimensional array: you have one array, filled with pointers to other arrays, so when you write
you access at the array that contains pointers to other arrays in his 5th position, get the pointer (let fpointer his name) and then access the 6th element of the array referenced to that array (so, fpointer[6]).
When covering pointers on a programming course at university, we were given two hints as to how to begin learning about them. The first was to view Pointer Fun With Binky. The second was to think about the Haddocks' Eyes passage from Lewis Carroll's Through the Looking-Glass