I'm just learning how to lein
, and I'd like to use from a Java source
a class created by deftype
in a Clojure source. This wasn't covered in the basic
tutorial and I can't get it to work properly.
The problem is that Java source can't import Clojure class, since it hasn't been compiled yet. And Clojure class isn't compiled, since compilation is aborted by the Java source.
I give a minimal example:
Create a new project with:
lein new app javafoo
Add to
:aot :all :java-source-paths ["src/java"]
Put into
:(ns javafoo.core) (deftype PPoint [x y])
Put into
:package foo.java; import javafoo.core.PPoint; public class JavaFoo { public static void main(String[] args) { System.out.println("JavaFoo"); } }
Try to compile
lein compile
It fails with package javafoo.core doesn't exist
So now I have to
- Comment out
- Compile
- Uncomment
- Compile
It finally works. Is there a way to make it work from the start?
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