I am building an application in MVC3 and when a user comes into my site I want to know that user's timezone. I want to know how to do this in c# not in javaScript?
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You can try using below snipet...
For Dot Net version 3.5 and higher you can use :
but for Dot Net Under version 3.5 you can handle it manually via this way :
first get Offset from client and store it in cookie
after that you can use cookie in backend code like that :
I know the user asked about a non-javascript solution, but I wanted to post a javascript solution that I came up with. I found some js libraries (jsTimezoneDetect, momentjs), but their output was an IANA code, which didn't seem to help me with getting a TimeZoneInfo object in C#. I borrowed ideas from jsTimezoneDetect. In javascript, I get the BaseUtcOffset and the first day of DST and send to server. The server then converts this to a TimeZoneInfo object.
Right now I don't care if the client Time Zone is chosen as "Pacific Time (US)" or "Baja California" for example, as either will create the correct time conversions (I think). If I find multiple matches, I currently just pick the first found TimeZoneInfo match.
I can then convert my UTC dates from the database to local time:
This isn't possible server side unless you assume it via the users ip address or get the user to set it in some form of a profile. You could get the clients time via javascript.
See here for the javacript solution: Getting the client's timezone in JavaScript
I got the same issue , Unfortunately there is no way for the server to know the client timezone . If you want you can send client timezone as header while making ajax call .
In-case if you want more info on adding the header this post may help how to add header to request : How can I add a custom HTTP header to ajax request with js or jQuery?
If you don't want to add header every time , you can think of setting a cookie since cookie is sent with all httpRequest you can process the cookie to get client timezone on server side . But i don't prefer adding cookies , for the same reason they sent with all http requests. Thanks.