I have a gitub.io repo which hosts my webpage -- the source for that webpage (uncompiled Jade / Sass code) is in a separate public repo. Travis-CI is set up to watch my source repo for changes and run the compile suite, generating the HTML/CSS that will get pushed to the github.io repo.
Can I set up Travis to automatically do a push to a github repo I own if the compile passed, without hard-coding my username and password into my .travis.yml
file (obviously this is a security concern)?
I've seen this question, but it wasn't answered with Travis in mind -- I don't think I can use keypair authentication because I'd need to put the private key in the repo or in the travis script, which is just as big a security hole as putting in my password.
For anyone else who winds up here, I found the following information using roidrage's answer as a springboard:
Travis uses public/private key encryption to allow you to embed sensitive information in a
file. You can install their gem called "travis" and use it to encrypt stuff, and they'll decrypt it securely on their end. Documentation: http://docs.travis-ci.com/user/encryption-keys/On github, you can generate a "personal access token" in your applications settings. This can be used like a password by applications. Encrypt that using the above technique and throw it in your yaml.
This can be achieved by storing a token to access GitHub in an encrypted way in the .travis.yml file. See our docs for examples on how to encrypt data.
As for the push to GitHub Pages, there's a blog post summing up the steps quite well, and it even points to a script that you can use in your build.
A mirror of the script is here: