I'm trying to read from stdin multiple times in a shell script, with no luck. The intention is to read a list of files first (which are read from the stdin pipe), and then read twice more to get two strings interactively. (What I'm trying to do is read a list of files to attach in an email, then the subject and finally the email body).
So far I have this:
photos=($(< /dev/stdin))
echo "Enter message subject"
subject=$(< /dev/stdin)
echo "Enter message body"
body=$(< /dev/stdin)
(plus error checking code that I omit for succintness)
However, this gets an empty subject and body presumably because the second and third redirections get EOF.
I've been trying to close and reopen stdin with <&- and stuff but it doesn't seem to work that way.
I even tried using a separator for the list of files, using a "while; read line" loop and break out of the loop when the separator was detected. But that didn't work either (??).
Any ideas how to build something like this?
So what I ended up doing is based on ezpz's answer and this doc: http://www.faqs.org/docs/abs/HTML/io-redirection.html Basically I prompt for the fields first from /dev/tty, and then read stdin, using the dup-and-close trick:
You should be able to use
to prompt for the subject and body:Since it is possible that you have a varying number of photos, why not just prompt for the known fields first and then read 'everything else'. It is much easier than trying to get the last two fields of an unknown length in an interactive manner.