I have an array and the second column with values like this 2050.878456
and inside my javascript function to create a Area Chart I made the following
function drawVisualization() {
var data = null;
data = new google.visualization.DataTable();
data.addColumn('string', 'Date');
data.addColumn('number', 'Value');
// Create and draw the visualization.
var ac = new google.visualization.AreaChart(document
ac.draw(data, {
title : 'Results',
isStacked : true,
width : 700,
height : 400,
vAxis : {title : "kW"},
hAxis : {title : "Day"}
however I get this error Type mismatch. Value 2050.878456 does not match type number in column index 1
however it cannot be a string type as well, why do I get this error and how to fix it?
I spotted the same issue.
not working:
Try passing the
and then later do aparseFloat
. Something like this: