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How to select html nodes by ID with jquery when the id contains a dot?
I have a website that contains elements similar to this:
<p id="root.SomeCoolThing">Some Cool Thing</p>
I can not select the paragraph with jQuery like $('#root.SomeCoolThing')
because jQuery thinks, SomeCoolThing
is the class of an element with id="root"
How can I select this element with jQuery? I would like to avoid a construction like this:
Use the escaping rules from the jQuery selectors API as follows:
From the docs:
You can escape period using something like this
How do I get jQuery to select elements with a . (period) in their ID? http://groups.google.com/group/jquery-en/browse_thread/thread/ba072168939b245a?pli=1
Use two backslashes before each special character
Shooting from the hip here, but if you cannot change the ID of the element, try using this selector:
You need to escape special chars:
Using attr works: