I have a question relavent to this code: https://github.com/reactjs/redux/blob/master/examples/async/containers/App.js
constructor(props) {
this.handleChange = this.handleChange.bind(this)
this.handleRefreshClick = this.handleRefreshClick.bind(this)
I guess its a 2 part question.
- Why do I need to set handle change as an instance of class
this.handleChange =
, can't I just use static functions for handleChange and call it directly with in the classonClick={handleRefreshClick}>
? - I have no idea whats going on here:
These 2 functions handleChange and handleRefreshClick are passed down as props to other components ,
They are bind to this because when the child component will call these functions they will always execute with the APP context.
You can remove these functions from the class but still you need to bind this since you would be updating some parts of your APP
Answered in reverse order...
returns a new function, in which references tothis
will refer tosomething
. This is a way of saving the current value ofthis
, which is in scope during the call to the constructor, so that it can be used later when the function is called.The argument in favour of adding these lines to the constructor is so that the new bound functions are only created once per instance of the class. You could also use
or (ES6):
but either of these methods will create a new function every time the component is re-rendered.
The reason why it's being done, is to bind the
keyword to that object. Like Tom said, calling a function from a class doesn't mean it's being called with the context of the object that created that function.I think you might be getting confused because in the React examples/tutorials, using React.createClass() DOES bind
automatically for you. So you might be wondering why React.createClass() does it, but doesn't with ES6 class syntax.This is because React didn't want to mess with ES6 specifications (binding
to functions from its class is not in the ES6 class spec), but at the same time, wanted to give its users the convenience of ES6 class syntax. You can read more about this below.Github issue
Hopefully that sheds some light on why that happens.
I personally bind functions in constructor so that their references don't change on each re-render.
This is especially important if you are passing functions to read-only children that you don't need to get updated when their props don't change. I use react-addons-pure-render-mixin for that.
Otherwise, on each parent's re-render, binding will happen, new function reference will get created and passed to children, which is going to think that props have changed.