I work with Netbeans 7.0.1 for a research project. My issue is that each time I want to check the javadoc for a given function or class (from the auto-completion menu), Netbeans downloads Javadoc and caches it only while it's running. If I restart Netbeans, I have to download the javadoc again.
Is there a way to tell Netbeans to cache the Javadoc for ever? I work with Mac OS.
It seems strange that you download the Javadoc everytime... To configure javadoc in Netbeans :
Choose your JDK, the in the pane Javadoc the URL should be :
If you have problem with this remove it and download the javadoc zip and add it instead of the url.
JDK8 updated link (thanks @Tim S) : http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/javase/documentation/jdk8-doc-downloads-2133158.html
I am using
JDK 1.8
withNetbeans 8.0.2
. I was also facing the same problem as Netbeans was continuously downloading the Javadoc from internet.I found solution to this as:
Open Netbeans, then go to
Tools -> Java Platforms
. Then go toJavadoc
tab and remove any URLs added for platform javadoc.In Source tab you can add specific Javadoc from your local environment, that you can download from oracle website i.e. Java SE 8 Doc.
This stopped continues download of Javadoc from internet.