I was wondering, if there's a way to get the types/values of the captured variables of a lambda? - The usage scenario would be something alike;
int a = 5;
auto lamb = [a](){ return a; };
static_assert(std::is_same<typename get_capture_type<0>(lamb)::type, int>::value, "");
assert(get_capture_value<0>(lamb) == 5)
Note: get_capture_*<N>(lambda)
should obviously result in a compiler error, when N > #captured_variables
What I need is actually just a way to access the captures somehow, if possible. That is, I can do the template meta-programming myself.
It's not possible by design
Captured variables are unnamed (or at least have names that are unspeakable by mortals) and their declaration order is deliberately unspecified. By-reference captures may not even exist in the closure type.
You don't want to do this anyway. You may think you do, but you don't really.
No. C++ has no reflection, and that means it doesn't have reflection on lambda's either.