Can one of you CSS experts explain this designator (if that's even what you'd call it) to me? I understand the contents, just not the Two dots?{
background-color: #b9972f;
I am trying to modify a couple of styles on a Wordpress theme and would have a lot more success with it, if I could figure out what is currently happening. Thanks
The selector simply means select any
element having class.button
so your anchor tag should look likeDemo
The selector can be also written as
as @BoltClock Commented likeDemo
Generally the above(Not the selector, but calling multiple classes for a single element method) is also used when you want to apply properties of 2 classes to a single element, so say for example you have
havingcolor: green;
havingfont-weight: bold;
so usingWill make it green as well as bold. Demo 2
This selector represents an
element with two classes, as you can have as many classes (separated with a white-space in the class attribute itself) in CSS as you'd like. The HTML would look like:If the
had three classes you'd just continue the pattern:
This means, the background color specified will be applicable to all
tags whose "class" attribute has a value of either "button" or "gold".For example, if you have a tag
and another tag
then, the background color for both the classes will be the same specified one.