I have a problem while login i can't get email even while adding email to User & Friend Permissions (for some facebook accounts).
i'm using facebook-php-sdk, this the code that im using
$facebook_user_profile = $facebook->api('/me', array('fields' => 'id,email,first_name,last_name,picture'));
please can any one save my day ?
The issue occurs when you have made the Facebook account with an email address and have not confirmed the email to be used by Facebook. As soon as you approve from your email, the Facebook login will return the email address.
Hope this solves the issue.
Apart from what CBroe commented about asking for the permissions using the "scope" parameter while logging in to grab permissions, you must also consider the fact that not every logged in user (or a user allowing your application to access their info) has an email assigned to their account.
one can verify their facebook accounts using their Mobile numbers, hence the probability that no email exists. Therefore, when developing an application, take into consideration if a user does not have an email, then you should ask for it manually through a form after login (this is IF the email is necessary for users to use your app).
hope this info helps!