I am trying to deploy a hadoop cluster using ambari, but when i select the hostnames with FQDN and proceed to configure I get the permission denied error for ssh.
STEPS: 1. generated rsa key using ssh-keygen as root.
- changed permission for .ssh(700) and authorized_keys(640)
- cat the public key to authorized_keys.
- and copied the public key to all the hosts(authorized_keys) and changed the file permission as above.
- I could ssh passwordless from ambari server host to all the other hosts.
But from ambari is failing to do the hadoop installation with below error.
SSH command execution finished
host=XXX, exitcode=255
Command end time 2015-06-23 10:44:07
ERROR: Bootstrap of host XXX fails because previous action finished with non-zero exit code (255)
ERROR MESSAGE: Permission denied (publickey,gssapi-keyex,gssapi-with-mic,password).
Permission denied (publickey,gssapi-keyex,gssapi-with-mic,password).
Please dont mark this question as a duplicate. I could see other questions with same description but none of them mention about the Ambari ssh permission denied error.
You should be able to execute something like
ssh -i <your_keypair> root@<your_host>
from some other host. If this is not working, then you are using wrong keypair.
Try using id_rsa file instead of copying and pasting its content in ambari web-app Doing this fix the problem for me.
I encountered the same problem with him.
ssh -i <your_keypair> root@<your_host>
I tried this but it wasn't solved.Here's my solution
host1 ip:
host2 ip:
host3 ip:
on host1:
on host2:
on host3:
host1:/root/.ssh/id_dsa This's the file which you need.
I had exactly the same message but it turned out the problem was user error. I had been uploading the public key to the Ambari installer, rather than the private key.