I am looking for ways to create fisheye lens effect, looked at documentations for openCV, it looks like it contains Camera Calibration functions for radial distortions like fisheye. Is it possible to simulate fisheye distortion by openCV?
If it is possible to do it by openCV, comparing to openGL, which one will generate better results? Thanks.
I created this app using opencv. Is this the effect you are referring to? I basically coded the formula shown on wikipedia's "Distortion(optics)" I can show the code if needed
Update: OK, so below is the actual code written in c++ using opencv (not documented so feel free to ask for explanations): The program recieves as input the following parameter: |input image| |output image| |K which controlls amount of distortion (typically try values around 0.001)| |x coordinate of center of distortion| |y coordinate of center of distortion|
So the crux of the program is the double for loop which iterates pixel by pixel on the result image and looks for the matching pixel in the input image using the formula for radial distortion (this is the way image warping is generally done - perhaps counter intuitively by back-projection from output to input). There are some subtleties which have to do with the scale of the output image (in this program the resulting image is the same size as the input), and I won't get into it unless you want to get into more details.enjoy.
Thanks to the above 2 for this code. I've modified the above transcribed code in Java to use Bitmaps instead of BufferedImage. This enables the code to run on Android(which doesn't support AWT). I've also made the effect just manipulate the pixels in a circle rather than the whole Bitmap, this gives a fisheye "lens" effect. Hopes this helps any Android developers.
@And_Dev as promised
Below is the view that gets the users touch co-ords and then calls the filter on a selected area. the selected area is the cord eg center of circle plus a radius(a circle). the code does this twice as its for a breast augmentation app:) Just comment out the HorizontalSlider code as you don't need this.
The calling activity.
If you need any help mate just ask. hope this helps
Do you want to use this distortion on sintetic images, or do you want to apply to a video camera or something ?
In OpenCv you should be able to do camera calibration (using the built-in functions, Zhang's algorithm) ..
In OpenGL see this.
I debugged the java files and it works fine on my phones(higher than 4.0). It consists of 3 java files and 1 xml file. You have to place checkerboardback.jpg file under drawaable directory. As someone said, alpha value was missing and I gave it "0x0ff". In addition, upperbound of some Looping were wrong.
//1. MultiRuntimeProcessorFilter.java
// 2. Filters.java:
And //3 MainActivity.java, toplevel class.
Here is XML file //4 activity_main.xml
Thanks to you for that code. It helps me a lot. I transcrypted it for Java. Maybe someone has a similar function for symulating tangencial distorsion?