Common design practice is to make instance variables private and have public getters and setters to access them. But many times I have seen code samples on the internet that have constructors that assign values directly to the private instance variable instead of using the setters inside constructors. Am I missing something?
public class Person{
private String name;
public Person(String name){
//is this right, seems like the whole encapsulation purpose is defeated = name;
//shouldn't this be used
public String getName(){
public void setName(String name){ = name;
My preferred approach (as described by Joshua Bloch in "Effective Java") is to make the constructor private, make the fields final (i.e., eliminate the setters entirely), and require clients to obtain instances either using the Builder Pattern or Factory Method Pattern, which would take care of any necessary validation to protect invariants. Then the (private) constructor would simply directly assign the given parameters (which have already been validated by the Builder or Factory Method) to the appropriate fields, which are
.This is perfectly normal. Some variables might need to be initialized as soon as the object is created, hence it makes sense to pass them in the constructor and many times we may not want to provide setters for those variables to avoid changing the values after object is created.
Depending on the context, the use of getters and setters is actually a bigger violation of encapsulation than using member variables in constructors. If you want to set the member variable 'name' of this class, either of these approaches would work since the construction is hidden from the caller and thus not violating encapsulation. One warning is that the use of setName within the constructor might call an overrided method in a subclass which may not be what you want (since it may leave name undefined in the superclass).
Here's a similar question to yours that may provide additional insight:
calling setters from a constructor
Sometimes when you would want make the class immutable, it is just one of the things you need to do. And don't have setter methods at all in that case.