I’ve got several Perl modules installed on my hosting machine in ~/perl
, how do I add them to Perl module path? Setting PERL5LIB
or unshift
ing the paths to @INC
surely works, but the environment variable does not help when running as a CGI script and the @INC
way is not very portable. Is there a better way? This has to be a common problem, am I missing something?
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A cleaner way to do it imo is :
there are other interesting and good ways to do it that can be found here:
Also, re: CGI scripts, you CAN define PERL5LIB paths for your CGI Env, it just depends on your webhost.
Some Webhosts permit specific control of env variables for the CGI Enviroment, and you have to just set them, others may have a "permit" list that allows variables visible at start time appear in local scope.
May help to read up on how to do this on your specific HTTP server.
There is one more option, if setting ENV is not to your taste: local::lib
Which searches some predefined paths automatically.
PERL5LIB works just fine for CGI scripts. You just have to set the variable in the right place, such as the server configuration. Which webserver are you using? For Apache, I use the SetEnv directive from mod_env.
@INC is portable. The paths you put in there may not be the same on every machine, but you shouldn't have a problem the with variable itself.
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