I have a Java project and I'm using Apache Maven. All this time I was using Maven Java compiler plugin with parameters source=1.5 and target=1.5 defined in pom.xml file. Since I changed it to source=1.6 and target=1.6 I'm getting the following error:
XXXXXXXX.java:[54,27] unmappable character for encoding UTF-8
I've been testing different configurations and I turned showWarnings to value true so I could see that with value 1.5 for source and target this is a warning and not an error.
I need to change the Java compiler configuration anyway. Does anybody know why is this so and how can I solve this problem without editing all Java source files (there are hundreds of files with this issue now)?
Short anwser, because they said so:
@DaveG concerns are valid, and you should try to: