The regular way of scaffolding doesn't work if you are working with a singular resource, is there any way to get default singular controllers through scaffolding? Say if a user has only one post is there an easy was to run a command like:
rails g scaffold post -singular
When you look at the scaffold options in Rails 3.1.1, you will see the following:
The output of
rails g scaffold Post name:string body:text --singleton
isSo it seems that the scaffolding generates the usual view templates.
In Rails 3.0 this was an option for the whole generator, not only the one for Rspec. See the Railscast 216 for Generators in Rails 3. Perhaps you will find a generator in Rails 3.0.x that will fulfill your needs.
I agree with this so I created a Github issue. Follow this if it helps. However I found the only way to fix this is to manually fix the problem. That means change the names by hand. I know you don't want to do that but I found some times that is the only way.