In my @Repository interface I created custom find method with JPQL @Query that contains parameter (addressType).
from Address a where a.addressType = :addressType
In the method I did not specify @Param("addressType") on the parameter. So I am getting
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Name for parameter binding must not be null or empty! For named parameters you need to use @Param for query method parameters on Java versions < 8.
Okay, this is pretty much clear, but I am using Java 8. So what is special about Java 8 here?
In Java 8, you can use reflection to access names of parameters of methods. This makes the
annotation unnecessary, since Spring can deduce the name of the JPQL parameter from the name of the method parameter.But you need to use the
flag with the compiler to have that information available.See
The answer given by @JB Nizet is correct, but I just wanted to point out the way to add the
flag for the Java 8 compiler when using Eclipse. This is in Window -> Preferences:Maven also allows adding the flags in the pom itself: