I have tried creating GPU instance in Google Cloud Platform but every time I try to create an instance it shows "You've reached your limit of 0 GPUs NVIDIA K80".
I am trying to create an instance with 4 vCPU, 8-15 gb memory, 1 GPU and in us-east1-c/us-west1-b.
Please help for the following.
Follow all the steps in specified order, because otherwise GPUs won't be seen in Quotas page.
You need to go to the Quotas part of IAM & Admin: https://console.cloud.google.com/projectselector/iam-admin/iam/quotas Here, in Quota type, you should select "All quotas" and find GPU quotas for your region. Then, you hit "Edit Quotas" button on the top of the page, select GPU quotas for your region and proceed with the steps on the right menu. Hope this helps.
you cannot addu gpu's without upgrading your account .May be that is thwarting you. Here is the link for documentation https://cloud.google.com/free/docs/frequently-asked-questions