I want to close an Android spinner once I click outside of the Spinner. Is that even possible?
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I've had some luck with this, even if it doesn't completely work.
The spinner adapter's get view :
The ontouch listener :
The on item selected listener :
The activity
Your activity with the spinner should have a global variable mOpen with get and set methods. This is because the ontouch listener tends to stay on even after the list is closed.
The limitations of this method:
It closes if you touch between the spinner and the options or to the side of the options. Touching above the spinner and below the options still won't close it.
I wanted to be able to determine when the spinner menu was displayed, and dismissed as well. After a lot of searching, there wasn't a lot of good solutions. I was able to accomplish this by doing the following:
Created a custom spinner class, and override the following method:
In my Activity, override the method onWindowFocusChanged(boolean hasFocus). If hasFocus == true && the flag in #1 is set to true, then the spinner has been dismissed (can be either by selection or tapping outside the spinner).
Good luck!